Questionnaire: Roma/Romani People

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Dear Participant,

Thank you for taking part in an independent study focused on the heritage and cultural minorities in Europe. This study aims to gather valuable insights into the current status, challenges, and opportunities of the Romani community. Your responses will contribute to a better understanding of challenges faced and opportunities available for the Romani people in Europe.

Instructions to Fill Out the Questionnaire:

  • Please use a black pen to complete this questionnaire.
  • Fill the circle black (âš«) alongside the relevant answer/s for each question.
  • For open-ended questions, write your responses clearly in the space provided.
  • Your participation is voluntary, and all responses will be kept confidential.
  • If you feel uncomfortable answering any question, you may skip it.

We appreciate your time and honesty in answering these questions. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact me i.e. Rahul PAWA at

Thank you for your participation.

Section 01: Demographics

1. Age Group:
2. Gender:
6. What is your current day, religious or spiritual affiliation?

Section 02: Education and work

7. What is your highest level of education completed?
8. What is your current employment status?

Section 03: Community and Social Life

9. How would you describe the sense of community within the Romani population where you live?
10. Do you participate in any Romani cultural or community organizations?
11. What are the biggest challenges facing the Romani community in your area?

Section 04: Health and Wellbeing

12. Do you feel that you have adequate access to healthcare services?
13. What are the main health concerns within your Romani community? (Select all that apply)
14. Do perceptions and discrimination trouble you or affect your mental health?
15. How often do you face discrimination that affects your wellbeing?
16. How do you feel about your current human rights situation as a Romani person in Europe?

Section 05: Experiences

17. Do you feel that you have equal access to educational or work opportunities compared to the majority population in your country?
18. Have you experienced any form of discrimination or persecution due to your Romani identity?
19. If yes, where did you experience this discrimination or persecution? (Select all that apply)
20. Do you believe there are sufficient economic opportunities available for the Romani people in your country as compared to the majority population?
21. Which areas do you think need the most improvement to enhance opportunities for the Romani community? (Select up to 3)

Section 06: Societal Perceptions

22. How do you feel the majority population perceives the Romani community?
23. Do you feel alienated or isolated from the majority population?
24. What are the main sources of alienation for the Romani community?
25. Do you feel that your religious or spiritual beliefs are respected by the majority population?

Section 07: Role of governments, EU, and societal institutions

27. How effective do you think the government has been in addressing the needs and rights of the Romani community?
28. How effective do you think the European Union (EU) has been in addressing the needs and rights of the Romani community?
29. How effective do you think NGOs or other societal institutions have been in addressing the needs and rights of the Romani community?
30. How effective do you think your faith based institutions have been in addressing the needs and rights of the Romani community?
31. Do you feel that your voice and concerns are represented in the political process?
32. What government policies or actions would you like to see implemented to support the Romani community?

Section 08: Linkages and Similarities with India

33. Are you aware of any cultural or historical links between the Romani people and India?
34. Do you feel a sense of connection with India due to these cultural or historical links?
35. In what ways do you think the Romani people and Indian communities are similar? (Select all that apply)
36. Which Indian festivals or cultural practices do you feel have similarities with those of the Romani community? (Select all that apply)
37. Do you believe that the dharmic values (ethical principles) of the Romani people have parallels with those in Indian culture?
38. In what ways do you think strengthening the cultural and historical linkages with India could benefit the Romani community?

Section 09: Additional Comments

** By filling the form, I consent to the use of information above for the Independent study being conducted on heritage and cultural minorities in Europe.

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